Wellness Challenge Template

Boost Engagement with a Company Wellness Challenge

Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to increase the well-being and connectedness of your employees?

Our 14-day Wellness Challenge template is designed to provide a fun and easy way to encourage all forms of wellness in your workplace.

GoCo as seen on Forbes and G2 Crowd

Save Time with our Pre-Made Challenge Template

Don’t worry about the planning - we did it for you! With easy-to-follow instructions, participants can track their progress by earning points for each minute dedicated to wellness activities, such as exercise, meditation, or healthy eating. Plus, each day features a bonus activity that encourages employees to try something new to promote overall wellness.

Run a Friendly Competition

The point-based system adds a competitive element, inspiring friendly rivalry among colleagues. Promoting both physical and mental wellness in a fun and engaging way helps foster a positive and supportive work environment that motivates everyone to strive for their best. Add an even more fun and personal aspect by encouraging your team to share pictures throughout the challenge!

Effortlessly Track Wellness With a Challenge that Runs Itself

Get an out-of-the-box template to quickly implement a wellness challenge for your organization.

How does it work?


One link to kickstart your Company’s Challenge


Automatic Notifications to log in and submit daily


Pre-made Daily Bonus Activities


Track progress and team totals in one place

Sounds simple, right?

Try it for free and start encouraging wellness in your workplace.

Try out the template