Introducing Time Tracking
Easily keep track of your team’s hours with Time Tracking from GoCo
by Axel Norvell, Lead Designer @ GoCo - September 26th, 2019
GoCo’s brand new Time Tracking app lets your team easily track their work hours, overtime, meal breaks, holidays and paid time off hours all in one place. Best of all, everything is kept perfectly in sync with the rest of your team’s HR data.
Clock In / Out Made Easy ⏰
GoCo makes it easy for your team to clock in and out. As soon as an employee logs in, they can instantly and securely clock in and start tracking their time. And all their clocked time is automatically added to their timesheet.
Fill In Timesheets ✏️
Some companies prefer to have their team just fill in a timesheet. GoCo makes this easy by giving companies the flexibility to decide how their team should enter time.
Automatic Overtime Calculations ⌛️
Calculating overtime correctly can be really complicated, especially if your employees work in one or more states with their own overtime regulations. GoCo’s Time Tracking feature can automatically calculate federal and state-specific overtime.
The types of overtime GoCo can automatically calculate are:
Weekly Overtime (Federal & State)
Daily Overtime
Daily Double Overtime
7th Consecutive Day Overtime
7th Consecutive Day Double Overtime
Automatic Holiday Pay
Do you pay your team for working holiday hours? GoCo lets you configure your company’s holiday schedule and automatically add holiday hours to your team’s timesheets. No more manually updating timesheets with holiday hours!
Paid Time Off Tracking ✈️
With GoCo you can let your team easily request time off (whether it’s vacation, personal or sick time) and have it appear directly on their timesheets.
Timesheet Approvals ✅
You can fully customize who approves each timesheet. For example, you might have a sales manager approve time for just one rep or the whole Sales team. Or alternatively, there might be a single person that approves timesheets for the entire company.
Approvers are sent an automatic reminder to review and approve timesheets. Reviewing and approving timesheets for the entire team can be done with a single click or by reviewing each timesheet one-by-one.
Want to see how many hours your team worked during a certain date range? Or maybe you’d like to see an audit log of every time entry saved to a timesheet? Time Tracking reports give you the insights you need around your team’s hours.
Export To Payroll
Once all the timesheets are reviewed and approved, GoCo gives you a detailed Hourly Report for the pay period that can easily be used for your payroll run.
Take Time Tracking for a spin
If you’re a new GoCo customer, you can try Time Tracking instantly with our Product Tour!
For existing GoCo customers, you can add Time Tracking to your company today from your Company Page.
We’re excited to hear what you think about Time Tracking! If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you!
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